
The ecological crisis — which includes global warming but is much bigger than that — is the greatest challenge that humanity has ever faced. What does Buddhism offer, if anything, that can help us understand and respond appropriately? And what does the ecological crisis mean for how we understand and practice Buddhism (or follow any spiritual path) today?

What does Buddhism offer, if anything, that can help us understand and respond appropriately?

Among other things, we will reflect together on the parallels between our perennial individual predicament (according to traditional Buddhism) and our collective predicament today in relation to the biosphere. What does all this imply about how we understand the bodhisattva path? What does it mean to be an “ecosattva”?


This two-day EocDharma workshop consists of lectures, meditations, exercises and group exchanges. On both day we work from 10:00 to 17:30h.

For Whom

This workshop is for everyone who is interested in how we can deal with the ecological crisis. No specific mindfulness or meditation experience is needed beforehand.