With great pleasure we announce that Centrum voor Mindfulness and Awaris will start to cooperate in the field of mindfulness-based business transformation.
Transforming Mindsets and Building Capabilities
As society we are at a turning point, and not only because of Covid-19. Bringing forward adaptations necessitates organizations to strengthen habits of resilience and awareness. And that requires not only behavioral change but also another mindset.
One Vision, Combined Strenghts
Awaris is an international expert on systems change, neuroscience and leadership development. The Centrum voor Mindfulness, especially its team Mindfulness in Organizations, is a leading Dutch provider of training programs in mindfulness at work and mindful leadership. We now join forces.
Awaris and the Centrum voor Mindfulness share the same values: presence of mind and compassion. And the believe that mindfulness has the potential to contribute to improving the lives of employees and leaders, the ways organizations function and the impact organizations have on wider eco-systems.
Combining our strengths locally and globally means also bringing the advantages of blended learning, an effective learning platform, and a versatile app for training support to our clients. Key to success is our ability to build long term relationships with our clients.
Read here the shared vision of Awaris and CVM-MIO: Transforming Mindsets and Building Capabilities for Today’s Challenges.
Webinars on Current Challenges
The current time demands pervasive transformation from organisations. We are glad to share our experiences with the enormous growth of virtual working since Covid-19. But there is more. That’s why we invite you to one or more of our free webinars, to share and think together about the future of work:
- Mindfulness and Resilience in A Changing World
10 June 2020 – 09:00 – 10:00 hrs. - Building the Mindset for A New Normal
18 June 2020 – 15:00 – 16:00 hrs. - Mindfulness, Trust and Collective Intelligence in Virtual Teams
26 June 2020 – 11:00 – 12:00 hrs. - Presence in the World of No Presence
2 July 2020 – 15:00 – 16:00 hrs.
Read here the full invitation to the webinars and register: Preparing for the Emerging Organizational Reality: Mindfulness as a Foundational Skill.
We are looking forward to meet and start working with you!
Kind regards,

Chris Tamdjidi – director Awaris
Wibo Koole – director CVM
Nienke Heijbroek – program manager CVM-MIO