The Need for Transforming Mindsets
To face the future of virtual work and the challenges of transforming organizations into ecosystems of humanity we will need deeply embodied capabilities of resilience, awareness and collective intelligence.
As society we are at a turning point. Humans hold their own destiny in their hands – as well as that of the entire planet. COVID-19 has added a pervasive shift in our day-to-day behavior to this. Adapting to this shift, and using it to strengthen habits of resilience and awareness in organisations will be a challenge we all will face – and this will require not only a behavioral shift but also one in mindset.
From the work that both CVM and Awaris have done over the last 10 years, and more intensely so over the last three months, we have developed a deep understanding of how to nurture both mindset and habit shifts. To face the future of virtual work and the challenges of transforming organizations into ecosystems of humanity we will need deeply embodied capabilities of resilience, awareness and collective intelligence.
We share the belief that mindfulness as a deeply transformative practice has the potential to contribute to improving the ways organizations function and the impact they have on wider eco-systems. CVM and Awaris.

One Vision, Combined Strengths
The Centrum voor Mindfulness and Awaris both are founded upon values of presence and compassion for people, organizations and the world around us. And we share the believe that mindfulness as a deeply transformative practice has the potential to contribute to improving the lives of employees and leaders, the ways organizations function and the impact organizations have on wider eco-systems.
Outer transformation needs inner change. Understanding how to shift our own and others mindsets are the core skills of the 21st century
Together we, Awaris and CVM, embody a deep knowledge of and experience with systems thinking, mindfulness, neuroscience, and leadership development. Over the last 10 years we have brought mindfulness successfully to a broad range of organizations. To large international corporates and to local business leaders, to governments and ngo’s.
Combining our strengths locally and globally means also bringing the advantages of blended learning, an effective learning platform, and a versatile app for training support to our clients. Based upon a clear measurement of impact we can effectively tailor our training programs to the needs of organizations and their leadership. Key to success is our ability to build long term relationships with our clients.
Our Services
Anchoring habits of emotional safety and mindfulness in our team work to improve effective collaboration and collective problem solving.
4 to 6 Modules covering both individual and team resilience as well as team habits. Key take aways are a) Anchoring habits of care and positivity in the team, b) Joint problem solving exercises and c) Reduction in stress, improvement and in care and collective intelligence.
Mindfulness in the Workplace
An inhouse mindfulness course combining weekly inhouse sessions with home practice. This course has a particular focus on integrating mindfulness at work, to learn new habits of behavior supporting our health, presence and communication. Mindfulness is a real skill, an attitude, that we can fundamentally strengthen in a program of 6 to 8 weeks.
Mindful Leadership
An incompany or open enrollment program combining weekly sessions with home practice. This focuses on learning new habits through mindfulness training. Supporting the development of presence, resilience and effective team communication for improved leadership in challenging times.
App and Learning Platform
All our programs are supported by a very versatile app to support daily exercises, enabling tracking of progress and inspiration.
Learning How to Learn
Increasingly competition will be based on the pace and depth of learning. That doesn’t mean mainly cognitive learning, but encompasses also how we learn new ways of seeing and behaving.
This approach forms the backbone of how we work with our clients.
- Formats – different situations permit different amounts of time, reach and cost for learning programs. We have a good understanding across different formats what effect sizes (impact) different interventions can expect. It helps us design a realistic intervention together with you.
- Blended learning – people need to be soaked in learning. We design and offer the right combination of blended learning support for ensuring that new habits are embodied.
- Apps – we have designed our own and a handful of further apps for clients. This is essential in today’s world to help accompany participants in their lives and support habit changes
- Learning platforms – we provide encompassing relevant materials including presentations, handouts, videos, exercises, studies, reflection questions and homework.
- Webinars – are an essential aspect of modern learning. The design of the interaction is key to ensure richness in the learning experience.
- Evaluation – we deeply believe learning and development programs should be assessed quantitatively. We do pre and post assessments on all our programs, and work with researchers to publish the results in journals. Each participant can participate anonymously and receive a pre and post report of their own changes. This puts the responsibility for learning where it belongs – with the participants and their engagement.
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