Study on mindfulness by Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA)


Researchers of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) are investigating the effects of regular, long-term meditation practice.

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Centrum voor Mindfulness and Awaris join forces


With great pleasure we announce that Centrum voor Mindfulness and Awaris will start to cooperate in the field of mindfulness-based business transformation.

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My year of living mindfully


Award-winning health journalist Shannon Harvey searched for a scientifically proven way to improve her mental health. She was struggling with exhaustion caused by insomnia and chronic autoimmune disease. In addition, She was concerned about her young children growing up in a world full of stress, anxiety, depression and addiction.

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Livestream with Jon Kabat-Zinn


Livestream with Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course, on how to respond wisely and purposefully as we go through these times of covid-19.

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New book by Christopher Germer and Kristin Neff


Recently, the latest book by Christopher Germer and Kristin Neff, the developers of the Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) training, was published: “Teaching the Mindful Self-Compassion Program: a guide for professionals”.

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Deepen your inquiry skills


For mindful self-compassion teachers inquiry is probably one of the most interesting parts of the MSC course as it is a wonderful way supporting the participant to gain insights. At the same time, many teachers experience inquiry as challenging.

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Mindfulness, science and practice: the state of the field mapped


For more than 25 centuries, historical teachings of the Buddha traveled across the people, languages, and cultures of the world. Mindfulness – commonly described as attention to and awareness of present moment experience – is at the heart of these teachings.

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Mindfulness and Compassion at Work


From 7 to 11 May you can follow the international online summit “Mindfulness & Compassion at Work”. Participation is free. Wibo Koole, director and co-founder of the Centrum voor Mindfulness, is one of the keynote speakers during this 5-day event.

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Theresa May about mindfulness in the British Parliament


Between the skirmishes about Brexit, parliamentary work in England continues. Wednesday, February 13, Chris Ruan, Labor Member of Parliament and for many years promoter of mindfulness in society, gave a warm plea for a mindful UK after Brexit.

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How mindfulness transforms relationships and child and family wellbeing


Mindfulness does not only influence the way we relate to ourselves, but also the way we relate to others. By practicing conscious, present-moment, non-judgmental attention, with ourselves and others, profound changes in relationships may occur.

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Mindful Self-Compassion at work


Burnout. Het aantal medewerkers en leidinggevenden met psychische klachten Burnout. It’s running rampant in the workplace, giving rise to self-doubt, cynicism, and exhaustion. But there is an accessible solution.

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With Professor Susan Bögels CVM Strengthens Mindfulness for Parents and Children


Hoogleraar Mindfulness bij de Universiteit van Amsterdam en psychotherapeut Susan Bögels gaat het programma Mindfulness voor Ouders en kinderen bij het CvM versterken.

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International MSC Teacher Festival


Over 100+ MSC teachers from 22 countries gathered this summer at the first MSC International Teacher Festival in the best summer weather one could imagine in the Netherlands.

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Verbinding verbroken van Johann Hari


Een van de problemen waar je mindfulness specifiek voor kunt inzetten, is het voorkomen van terugval bij een depressie. De gangbare manier om een depressie te bestrijden is echter nog steeds met antidepressiva. Journalist en onderzoeker Johann Hari merkte zelf dat pillen niet voldoende lijken te werken. Volgens hem ligt er een veel diepere oorzaak […]

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You are not the only one with anxiety, stress or depression


According to research conducted in the United States between 2012 and 2015, 50% more teenage girls and 21% more teenage boys suffered from stress, tension and symptoms linked to depression. The statistics among students are also alarmingly high: 61% experienced severe anxiety, 39% functioned poorly due to depression-like symptoms and 62% felt lonely. Ten percent have contemplated suicide.

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Jon Kabat-Zinn: “People are losing their minds”


Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), spoke at a conference in October 2017 in the British House of Parliament in Londen. Politicions from more than 10 countries, the Netherlands included, had gathered there to brainstorm how mindfulness can influence politics and policy. At the highest level people are convinced of the power of mindfulness.

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